Oxford International Women’s Festival

Threads of Liberation

29 February—14 March 2020

Join us for two weeks of events around Oxford celebrating women’s strengths, successes & solidarity.

Clothed in our  right minds

Clothed in our right minds

Saturday 7th March 2 – 4pm

An interactive discussion on the links between the development of feminism and changes in women’s dress from the late 19th century to the present.

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Reclaim the Night

Reclaim the Night

Sunday 8th March 6 – 10pm

Walk aimed to reclaim spaces women may avoid for fear of violence, sexual harassment or rape.

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Amazon Sisters

Amazon Sisters

Monday 9th March 6.30 – 9pm

Film and Q&A with the director Anne-Marie Sweeney and Maria Betania.

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Stepping Into My Power

Stepping Into My Power

Friday 13th March 10 – 4pm

If you want to step into your feminine power more and can’t quite see what is in the way, this workshop is perfect for you.

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